CélineChauleur, MD, PhD

Academic interests

I am an Obstetrician-Gynecologist working at the University Hospital of Saint-Étienne, and I conduct research with the University of Saint-Étienne. My main research interests are in the prevention and diagnosis of thrombosis in pregnancy, postpartum bleeding, and placenta-mediated complications. I have led several research projects on a national scale and successfully recruited multiple participating sites for the international randomized controlled trial “HighLow,” led by Dr. Saskia Middeldorp in the Netherlands.
Furthermore, I am developing research in ambulatory surgery and robotic gynecological surgery.


– Teaching of gynecology obstetrics  in the 1st, 2nd cycle of medical studies and through Master’s courses in the 3rd cycle. Surgery training

– Responsible for 3rd Cycle ; national exam, Surgery training

– Vice Dean for university of medecine Saint Etienne


I am currently a professor at Saint-Etienne University Hospital and Jean Monnet University since 2011, and affiliated with INSERM unit U-1059 SAINBIOSE. I work in the field of Thrombosis and pregnancy. I head of the gynecology and obstetrics department.

I presented my Habilitation to direct research in 2010 at Saint-Etienne University and received my PhD in  Gynecology and obstetrics in  2011.

My filed of research are:

  • prevention and diagnosis of thrombosis in pregnancy, postpartum bleeding, and placenta-mediated complications.
  • Surgery : robotic surgery , ambulatory