Jeremie Pourchez, PhD

Senior Researcher
+33 477420180
Academic interests

My research interest: Our aim is to improve our understanding of the fate of inhaled nanoparticles in terms of biodistribution, biotoxicity and biopersistence. We are interested in the characterisation of nanoparticles in complex biological matrices, in the impact of the physico-chemical properties of nanoparticles on their cellular response in vitro and finally in the study of the adsorption of proteins on nanoparticles in relation to their biological identity (toxicity, cellular uptake…). We also contribute to the technological development and in vitro and clinical evaluation of innovative technologies for airborne nanocarriers (nebulisation systems…).

Main fields of application: Aerosol drug delivery and pharmacokinetics, Safer-by-design approach: in vitro toxicology and physico-chemical properties of nanoparticles, Biological monitoring of inhaled nanoparticles in patients


The main objective of Mines Saint-Etienne is to support the French economy through: (i) Training highly qualified managers with strong technical and scientific skills; (ii) Develop applied research to meet the needs of industry; (iii) Contribute to innovation, creation and competitiveness of companies worldwide. Our academic reputation is committed to excellence, the richness of the disciplines, and we aim to provide each student with a curriculum tailored to their goals and the realities of the business world.

In this context, my teaching activities focus in particular on the development and promotion of highly original double degrees at international level, linking the world of engineering and the health sector with the double degrees of doctor-engineer, pharmacist-engineer and dentist-engineer.


Jérémie POURCHEZ is a full professor at Mines Saint-Etienne, at the joint research INSERM U1059. He is a worldwide recognised expert on inhaled particles. With a PhD in chemical engineering, he sees himself at the interface between engineering and life sciences. His work focuses on multidisciplinary research in the field of inhalation toxicology and drug delivery devices. He has co-supervised +20 PhD students since 2008. He is the author of +150 peer-reviewed publications. In the last 5 years, he has authored more than 20 papers on inhalation toxicology and 40 papers on aerosols, mainly in the journals such as “Inhalation of Particles”: e.g. Lancet Respiratory Medicine, Nano Today, Biomaterials, Nanoscale, Nanotoxicology, Scientific Reports.