Kundry Reibel

PhD student
Academic interests

Subject: Biomechanics of atrial cardiomyopathies: mechanical modifications due to wall remodeling to understand thrombus formation and stroke

Experimental testing:

  • Biaxial testing – Mechanical characterization
  • 3D Digital image correlation – Speckle pattern
  • Histological study – collagen to myocyte ratio

Numerical models:

  • FEM models: Sensitivity study – fiber orientation, heterogeneity of the tissue, …
  • Analytical models: Constitutive laws – Mechanical parameters identification

-> « MODÉLISATION DU COMPORTEMENT DES MATÉRIAUX HÉTÉROGÈNES ET COMPOSITES » – Abaqus and Matlab – Practical Sessions to second year students of Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne in Majeure Mécanique.

-> « MECANIQUE DES MILIEUX CONTINUS » – Exercises sessions for first year students of Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne

-> Involvement in a project in collaboration with La Rotonde (Explora).

Aim: Introducing scientific research and the profession of researcher to third-grade students. The task involved facilitating two workshops on the theme of abdominal aortic aneurysm.

-> Involvement in the project “Sciences en Tous Genres” with La Rotonde.

Aim: promoting gender equality and easing third-grade girls to speak up. The project comprises a conference-discussion session, a visit of the laboratories and a feedback session. This initiative, which is promoted in junior and senior high schools, offers girls the opportunity to open up to new educational horizons.


2016 – 2019 : Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes Ecoles, Physique Chimie , Lycée Marcelin Berthelot

2019-2022 : Université Technologique de Compiègne, Spécialité Ingénierie Mécanique Master Biomécanique et BioIngénierie

2022 – 2023 : Ecole Nationale des Arts et Métiers, PSL, Université Paris Cité – “Biomedical Engineering”, Track : BioMechanics