Sophie Perinel Ragey, MD, PhD

Academic interests

My current research activities focus on two topics in pharmacology with a particular emphasis on intensive care medicine:

-First, therapeutic drug monitoring research to optimise antibiotic treatment in ICUs based on PK/PD properties.

-Secondly, research on inhaled drugs and therapeutics with a focus on the bench to bedside approach and expertise in ex vivo modelling. This work, conducted in close collaboration with engineers for more than 10 years, covers a broad spectrum of inhaled particles, from neonatal studies under intensive care conditions to toxicological and bacteriological risk assessments.


– Teaching of emergencies and intensive care in the 1st and 2nd cycle of medical studies.

– Responsible for an optional course on pedagogic initiation in 1st cycle of medical studies.

– Teaching by simulation in the 3rd cycle and in continuous education for intensive care practionners.

– Responsible for objective structured clinical Examination (OSCE) in 2nd cycle of medical studies.


I am currently assistant professor at Saint-Etienne University Hospital and Jean Monnet University since 2017, and affiliated with INSERM unit U-1059 SAINBIOSE. I work as a medical doctor in intensive care unit G and I teach to medical student at Saint Etienne medical university. I head the simulation-teaching department and coordinate the team for objective structured clinical Examination (OSCE).

I received my PhD in 2017 and I presented my Habilitation to Direct Research in 2023 at Saint-Etienne University.

My filed of research are:

  • Clinical research on antimicrobials
  • Ex vivo modeling, specifically for ventilated or perfused respiratory tracts
  • Inhaled particles and therapeutics

OSCE education
