Alexandre Karkas, MD, PhD

Academic interests

1. Imaging of the human cochlea: LBTO, SAINBIOSE

  • Micro-CT before and after cochlear implantation. In cooperation with Pr. Hubert MAROTTE, Norbert LAROCHE
  • Confocal fluorescent microscopy before and after cochlear implantation. In cooperation with Pr. Hubert MAROTTE, Arnaud VANDEN BOSSCHE.
  • Future trials: light-sheet microscopy

2. Proteomics analysis of vestibular schwannomas (VS, acoustic neuromas)

  • Past study, qualitative: proteomics imaging of VS using MALDI-ToF (Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption-Ionization-Time of Flight) in Clinatec-CEA, Grenoble.
  • Current study, quantitative: proteomics sequencing of VS using Orbitrap-ElectroSpray Ionization (ESI) mass spectrometer with team DVH in SAINBIOSE, St-Etienne. In collaboration with Pr. Xavier DELAVENNE, Sophie HODIN.

2023/2024: 82 hours of medical teaching in the Medical School Jacques Lisfranc, Université Jean Monnet. Score SIAPS = 544.5 on December 31, 2023.

  • Pierre BOUREILLE, thesis and obtention of Doctorate of Medicine, Medical School Jacques Lisfranc 2019-2021: “Radiological assessment of endocochlear trauma following cochlear implantation”. Traineeship at LBTO, SAINBIOSE: micro-CT of human cochlea and comparison with Cone-Beam CT available in our University Hospital.
  • Ibtissem MERAZI, Master 1 « Sciences, Technologies, Santé » (2021-2022), Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne. Traineeship at Anatomical Laboratory of Jacques Lisfranc Medical School: “Tympano-mastoid anatomy through otoendoscopy”
  • Jamila SHIMI, Master 2 « Sciences, Technologies, Santé » (2021-2022), Université Sorbonne-Paris Nord. Traineeship at LBTO, SAINBIOSE: Confocal fluorescent microscopy of human cochlea before and after cochlear implantation.
  • Kelly DAOUDA, Master 2 « Sciences Chirurgicales et Nouvelles Technologies Interventionnelles » (2023-2024), Université Paris-Saclay. Traineeship at LBTO, SAINBIOSE: 1) Confocal fluorescent microscopy of human cochlea, with and without decalcification. 2) Light-sheet microscopy of human cochlea after decalcification.
  • Jean-Christophe LECLERE: I was the Rapporteur of his PhD « Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé » (December 2023), Université de Bretagne Occidentale-Université de Bordeaux. The topic of the PhD thesis was « Comprendre et traiter les surdités génétiques : étude de l’otoferline et stratégies thérapeutiques utilisant des vecteurs synthétiques »

Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) « Biologie, Médecine et Santé ». Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, July 2022.

European Board of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Brussels June 2019 then Vienna November 2019.

Doctor in Sciences (PhD) « Biotechnologie, Instrumentation, Signal et Imagerie pour la Biologie, la Médecine et l’Environnement ». Université Grenoble-Alpes, December 2018.

Diplôme d’Université de Pédagogie Médicale. Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, June 2017.

Masters 2 (MSc) « Sciences-Technologies-Santé ». Université Montpellier 1, September 2012.

Doctor in Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, University of Balamand, Lebanon, October 2005.

71 publications (1st author, last author, and coauthor): 71. Score SIGAPS=609.

Author of 11 book chapters and 7 education materials (documents pédagogiques).

Speaker in conferences: 117 times, among which 61 international congresses.

International collaborations: “University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center”, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA: 2011-2022. “Lehigh Valley Physicians Group”, Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA: as of 2023.
