SAINBIOSE INSERM U1059Administration and support services

The Sainbiose support services are essential for the daily operations of our unit. They serve as an intermediary between unit management, research teams, and supervisory authorities, ensuring that all staff members receive the support and guidance needed to perform effectively. Our team provides crucial administrative and logistical assistance, facilitating coordination across all departments.

Organizational structure

Administrative and Financial Services



They comprise three teams of resource managers ,  executive and management assistants. Those services are responsible for managing the budgets and credits of the research teams and technological platforms. Additionally, they provide comprehensive administrative support, ensuring that financial and organizational needs are met.

Risk and Prevention


Our risk prevention department comprises a local network of risk prevention officers linked to the respective departments of each institution. We support the development and implementation of risk management strategies, ranging from the handling of hazardous chemicals to psychosocial risks. While risk prevention involves everyone and is of paramount importance for all members of the Unit, you will find below the list of our referents to be contacted if you have a question.




Communication comprises :

  • external communication through the website, LinkedIn page, Twitter account
  • internal communication through seminars, journal club, PHDay etc
Members of external communication
Members of internal communication

Journal Club




Scientific commission


Sainbiose has a scientific commission which supervises the technical and scientific work of the unit. The commission evaluates the significance and accuracy of studies completed by our teams  and vote new decisions regarding our unit. Its members are elected by the unit and nominated by the direction board.


list of members
and link
to the member pages