Aratz Garcia Llona, PhD

Post Doc
Academic interests

His research pursuits are focused primarily on the development of physics-based model to define Predictive Digital Twin. His research interests include development of computational models, finite element analysis, continuum mechanics, physics-based models, ROM and machine learning in any field of engineering. Currently, he is working on the development of a digital twin of lower-limb to study the effects of compression stockings. The tasks to be carried out are modeling of soft-tissues, image treatment (CT-Scan/MRI), geometry registration and reduced-order modeling.


Aratz Garcia holds a Bachelor of Civil Engineering Degree from the Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (EHU) and Masters and PhD degree in Computational Mechanics from Universidad de Burgos (UBU). The PhD was cosupervised by UBU and Tecnalia. An internship was also completed at the University of Texas at Austin during the PhD. His education was complemented with courses in Coastal Engineering (IH Cantabria) and Numerical methods (CIMNE). He worked at other research centers such as CTC (Spain) and Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, BAM (Germany).
