Fabrice Cognasse, PhD

Scientific Director
+33 683975883
Academic interests

Platelet Physiology and Analysis of Their Inflammatory Response to Biostress

Unravelling blood platelets’ contribution to pathophysiological mechanisms related to exogenous (infectious) or endogenous (transfusion) biostress with a focus on circulation, pulmonary and cardiovascular systems.

Combination of ex vivo, in vitro, and in vivo approaches to decipher platelet thrombo-inflammatory responses involved in these mechanisms.

– Thrombo-inflammatory role of platelets in a transfusion context: Improvement and evaluation of platelet concentrate preparation processes to optimize transfusion efficiency and develop personalized transfusion.

– Optimal blood usage and Patient blood management program: aims to refine and update standards, improve database interoperability, develop new algorithms to provide decision-making software for transfusion services, in the prospect of personalized transfusion medicine.


Since 2018 “Biologie moléculaire et cellulaire – Lyon UCBL (2h/yr)“ – Masters du domaine SCIENCES, TECHNOLOGIES, SANTE / Biologie moléculaire et cellulaire / Génétique de la cellule et pathologie / Immunopathologie / UE BIO1007M

Since 2014 “platelet inflammatory role” at Paris Descartes University (3h/yr)” – Master Recherche et Professionnel / Biologie Cellulaire Physiologie et Pathologie – Spécialité Recherche : BIVATH (Biologie Vasculaire, Athérosclérose, Thrombose, Hémostase) – UE 1: BIOLOGIE CELLULAIRE ET MOLÉCULAIRE DES PLAQUETTES


– Senior Scientist, Director of Scientific Affairs, the Auvergne Rhone-Alpes Regional Branch of the French National Blood System EFS / member of the regional executive committee since 2016

– Biological Experimentation – Design of scientific projects involving animals – Level 1

– Member of the national EFS Research Steering Committee since 2016

– Member of the Biomedical Excellence for Safer Transfusion (BEST) Committee since 2015

– AABB (Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies) Member

– Supervising activity: Post-Doc (n=2), PhD (n=6), Master/Licence

– Associate editor: Frontier in Immunology, Blood Transfusion

Scientific expertise work: Dutch Research Council (NWO), French research Agency (ANR), French Biomedicine Agency (ABM), Landsteiner Foundation for Blood Transfusion Research (LSBR), Austrian Science Fund (FWF), French National Agency for Medicines and Health Products Safety (ANSM), French National Blood System (EFS), Ile-de-France regional scientific council, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes regional scientific council, Mitacs (Canada), Health Research Board (HRB),          KWF Board of Advisors, HCERES, Evaluator for the Pathfinder Open call 2024
