Guénaëlle Bouët Chalon, PhD

Research Engineer
Academic interests

She is a specialist of in vitro cell culture on biomaterials. She is now developing a structuring research project in SAINBIOSE regarding the development of 3D in vitro hMSCs culture models for the advancement of bioinstructive materials and the understanding of osteocytes biology.


Ph.D. in Science Engineering and Health in 2013, is a Research Engineer in the UMR INSERM 1059 SAINBIOSE (Mines St-Etienne) since 2021. During the last 15 years, she has been in charge of many interdisciplinary projects mainly in the field of bone tissue engineering (BTE) in collaboration with chemists, biologists, biochemists, mechanists, surgeons and industrials. During her research associate experience in University of Cambridge (UK), she supervised a small team working on the production of human platelets in vitro. She developed many in vitro experimental studies involving murin and human MSCs, osteoblasts and osteoclasts, with various biomaterials (ceramics, polymers and metals). She is and has been involved in European (ERISTO, BONUS, BoneFix) and national (e.g., ANR JCJC-SING) projects.
