Nathalie Douard, PhD

Associate Professor
Academic interests

My research activities are driven by the necessity to enhance the treatment of bone defects. Leveraging my scientific expertise in materials science, I devote my efforts to develop bioactive biomaterials for bone regeneration. Currently, I am exploring non-conventional manufacturing processes to customize the biodegradation of calcium-phosphate based bioceramics. Furthermore, I am deeply committed to promote inclusivity in science through active engagement in outreach activities targeting the general public and younger audiences.


My teaching activities primarily takes place at Mines Saint-Étienne for engineering students and BMED Master’s students. I cover topics such as thermodynamics, physic chemistry of biomaterials, their interactions with living tissues and innovation in healthcare. I also oversee all academic activities in health engineering of SAINBIOSE members affiliated to Mines Saint-Étienne, including related programs such as the BMED Master’s program and the HMDI Master’s program with emlyon. I am also engaged in pedagogical innovation, including the implementation of certification and Open Badges within the framework of the CoDEMO 5.0 European program.
