My research focuses on the pharmacology of antithrombotic agents, mainly in specific bio-stress situations (aging, renal insufficiency, cancer, surgery, etc.). I am currently coordinating 2 PHRCs (DGOS funding), the PEAGE study (including elderly patients with pulmonary embolism, with clinical data and biobanking) and the VERDICT study (including renal impairment patients).
As part of my membership of the FCRIN INNOVTE network and the GIHP (Groupe d’intérêt en Hémostase péri-opératoire), I participate in and coordinate national recommendations on antithrombotic agents in the treatment of venous thromboembolic disease (updated and published in 2021), in association with cancer (updated and published in 2024) and in perioperative thromboprophylaxis (updated in 2023-24, publication in progress).
– Teaching Pharmacology in the 1st cycle of health studies (PASS) and in the second cycle.
– Postgraduate teaching in vascular medicine and therapeutics
– Teaching in inter-university diploma (DIU) in vascular and hemostasis (PARIS, LYON, NICE)
I am currently a professor at Saint-Etienne University Hospital and Jean Monnet University since 2003 and affiliated with INSERM unit U-1059 SAINBIOSE. I work in the field of clinical pharmacology and vascular medicine.
I received my PhD in Pharmacology in 2001. and I presented my Habilitation to Direct Research in 2002 at Saint-Etienne University.
My filed of research are:
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