Silvy Laporte, PhD

Academic interests

My current research activity focuses on optimizing the use of available studies using meta-analytical techniques to optimize pharmacological, therapeutic or pharmaco-epidemiological information, particularly from individual data. This area also enables us to carry out meta-research projects: validation of dosage regimens, validation of intermediate criteria and quantification of biases. The latter mainly targets bias quantification in randomized studies at risk of bias, but also in non-randomized studies such as single-arm studies or observational pharmaco-epidemiological studies. My work in this field has focused on challenging conventional wisdom and unvalidated methods for the evaluation of anticoagulants and vascular risk.


– Teaching of clinical research methodology, through training in article critical appraisal (LCA in French) in the 2nd cycle of medical studies and through Master’s courses in the 3rd cycle.

– Responsible for the inter-university diploma (DIU) in Training Clinical Research Assistants (FARC TEC) and the DIU in Clinical Research (Pratic)

– Co-responsible for the Master 2 Ingénierie Santé i-Santé, Saint-Etienne.


I am currently a professor at Saint-Etienne University Hospital and Jean Monnet University since 2021, and affiliated with INSERM unit U-1059 SAINBIOSE. I work in the field of clinical pharmacology. I head the clinical pharmacology department, the hospital’s clinical research unit, and teach clinical research methodology to doctors, pharmacists and healthcare professionals.

I received my PhD in Biometrics and Pharmacology in 2000, then I presented my Habilitation to Direct Research in 2010 at Saint-Etienne University,

My filed of research are:

  • Clinical research on anticoagulants
  • Meta-epidemiology (research on methodology)
  • Meta-analysis and meta-regression of pharmacological, clinical and epidemiological studies, optimization of data exploitation, valorization of data from clinical research