Stephane Avril, PhD

Head of Sainbiose
Academic interests
  1. Map quantitatively and non-invasively, with a microscopic resolution, the local mechanical properties (stiffness, resistance, tensile and shear stresses) in the extracellular matrix of biological tissues.

Important challenges in soft tissue mechanics are now to develop and implement hybrid experimental – computational method to quantify regional variations in properties in situ. The main motivation of my research is to contribute to this field by developing the virtual fields method (VFM).

We have achieved characterizations combining biaxial extension–distension testing, optical coherence tomography (OCT), digital volume correlation (DVC) and the VFM.

  1. Computer modelling for assisting cardiovascular surgical interventions

We have developed reduced order model and machine learning techniques, permitting very fast computational analyses for computer assisted EVAR. This solution, which relies on virtual reality, is based on a single intraoperative X-ray image. In 2017, I co-founded Predisurge, a spin-off company of IMT at Mines Saint-Etienne.

  1. Computer modelling in mechanobiology of aortic aneurysms

We developed a digital twin framework for helping clinicians to establish prognosis for patients harbouring an AA. Thanks to Magnetic Resonance Imaging and computer fluid dynamics simulations, we estimate hemodynamics loads on the aortic wall. We simulate the induced evolutions through finite element models to predict aneurysmal progression and potential risk of rupture. We carry out patient-specific finite element modeling taking into account the mechanical interactions between fluids and tissues as well as the biological processes involved in the remodeling of structural proteins (collagen, elastin) and cells.


Courses at Mines Saint-Etienne, France (2008-):

Biomechanics of soft tissues

Non-Linear Finite-Element Analyses for biomechanics

Courses at Technische Universität Wien, Austria (2020-2022):

Continuum mechanics in soft tissues.

Cellular and tissular mechanobiology

Mechanics of cells, Tissues and Biological systems


Courses at Technische Universität Graz, Austria (2021-2022):

Mechanics of biological tissues

Mechanics of proteins and cells


Advanced schools

2023: Summer School on Biomechanics (Graz, Austria)

2021: Summer School on Biomechanics (Graz, Austria)

2020: CNRS School “Mecabio” (Les Houches, France):

2017: CISM Advanced School on Material Parameter Identification and Inverse Problems in Soft Tissue Biomechanics (Udine, Italy)

2016: MECAMAT School on “mechanics of the living” (Aussois, France)

2015: CISM Advanced School on Material Parameter Identification and Inverse Problems in Soft Tissue Biomechanics (Udine, Italy)

2011: CNRS School on “identification from full-field measurements” (Cachan, France)


I am Professeur de classe exceptionnelle at Institut Mines Telecom affiliated at Mines Saint-Etienne in France. I work in soft tissue biomechanics, with a special focus on constitutive modeling and identification using imaging techniques. I was the director of the CIS center for biomedical and healthcare engineering (70+ people) between 2010 and 2020 and I am now the director of SAINBIOSE (INSERM endorsed laboratory with 150+ researchers) since 2024.

I received my PhD in mechanical and civil engineering in 2002 at Mines Saint-Etienne (France). After positions at Arts et Métiers ParisTech (France) and Loughborough University (UK) where I developed methods to bridge experimental data and computer models in solid mechanics, I returned to my alma mater in 2008 and extended my methods to soft tissue biomechanics, especially regarding aortic aneurisms in close collaboration with vascular surgeons. I was a visiting Professor at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor (USA) in 2008, a visiting professor at Yale University 6 times between 2014 and 2019, guest professor at TU Wien between 2020 and 2022 and guest professor at TU Graz between 2021 and 2022.