Throughout my academic and research career, my main focus has been on programming, neuroscience and biomechanics. I am dedicated to combining data analysis, biological signal processing and software development to tackle research challenges. I have also gained experience in designing experiments, capturing OCT images, and applying image processing techniques for further analysis.
Assistant teacher of programmable devices for bioengineering program at University of Antioquia, Colombia
I am a research and development engineer at the Institut Mines Télécom, affiliated to Mines Saint-Étienne in France, where I am working on the development of a user interface for the real-time design and evaluation of compression products using digital twins of the lower limb. I also focus on image processing of OCT images of hydrogels.
Previously, I completed a research engineer internship at the Centre Ingénierie et Santé, Mines Saint-Étienne, where I developed and validated a control system for a biaxial platform used in the microscale mechanical characterisation of biological tissues and hydrogels.
In 2021-2022, I gained experience as a Young Researcher at the University of Antioquia, Colombia, where I contributed to a project on the identification of preclinical biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease. I performed EEG signal processing and longitudinal analysis to extract markers for Alzheimer’s risk classification from multimodal EEG databases. Before that, in 2020-2021, I worked as a research assistant supporting the project “Evaluation of a Platform for Visual Physiology Study” by recording EEG data, performing signal processing and feature extraction (SSVEP).
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