Frederic Roche, MD, PhD

Head of Physiology Department at Hospital
Academic interests

Understanding physiological mechanisms in the field of cardiology has always been a passion. I have long been interested in the cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and cognitive consequences of sleep disorders (respiratory disorders such as apnoea or non-respiratory disorders such as periodic leg movements). The impact of these nocturnal disorders in elderly subjects is also an area of scientific recognition. We have therefore chosen to explore this research theme through the prism of associated autonomic nervous system disorders, then by studying intermittent hypoxic stress and sleep fragmentation in cellular (blood brain barrier) and animal (murine) models. In humans, current studies are looking at the impact of these sleep disorders on endothelial function and orthosympathetic/parasympathetic balance. Our approach is fairly unique, based on analyses of both nocturnal (polysomnography) and diurnal physiological signals (Holter ECG, continuous measurement of arterial pressure, pulse wave velocity, reactive hyperhaemia tests post ischemic challenge, etc.). The richness of our publications also comes from our ability to create and analyse cohorts of patients and healthy subjects.


Clinical Physiology / Human Physiology, Cardiovascular Physiology, Respiratory Physiology, Exercise Physiology, Integrative Physiology, Sleep related respiratory (and non respiratory) disorders (Pathophysiology, diagnostic tools, treatment)

-> involvement in DIU “Le sommeil et sa Pathologie” and DIU “Physiologie et pathologies du sommeil” (co-director). Local (UJM Saint Etienne) responsability for FST « sommeil » and FST « médecine du sport »

-> teacher in Licence (Santé), First, second cycle of MD cursus, Master 2 Ingénierie Santé, post MD formation (sleep disorders, sport sciences)


MD (Cardiol), PhD (Physiology), Director of EA SNA EPIS (UJM St Etienne) from 2015 to 2020. Joined Inserm U1059 Sainbiose in 2020.

Associate Editor: Frontiers (Aging Neurosc); Brain Sci; J Clin Med

International collaborations: Clinical Epidemiology (Geneva), Sleep Laboratory (Grenoble), SAPALDIA Research Group (Basel), Sleep Laboratory (Hôpital Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne), Sleep Laboratory, Hôpital du Sacré Coeur, Montreal (Canada), MacGill University (Neurodevelopment) and Minessota University (Pr Gozal).

Co-investigator of 41 clinical trials, 9 of which are still ongoing. More than 4000 SIGAPS points

Elected member

– of the Board of Directors of the Jean Monnet University 2007 2011 (Rank B) then since 2021 (Rank A)

-of the Scientific Council of the Jean Monnet University (2011-2017)

– of the Scientific Council of the University of Lyon (2016-2020)

– of the Board of Directors of the University of Lyon since 2021 (Representative for Medicine/Health Sci. of St Etienne U)

– Research Assessor, J Lisfranc Faculty of Medicine, UJM Saint Etienne from 2018-2022